The peninsula of Baja California boasts a marine environment unlike any other, stretching over 600 miles from the cool California waters into the Tropic of Cancer. The diversity of marine life along this stretch is remarkable, varying from cold rocky kelp forests in the north to vibrant coral reefs at Cabo Pulmo in the south.

Central to this rich biodiversity is the ancient Sea of Cortez, encompassing over 700 miles of pristine coastline and spanning nine degrees of latitude, also known as the Gulf of California, is a realm of unparalleled beauty. Sandy shores give way to rocky shores, and craggy islands creating a unique and dynamic underwater landscape with a plethora of tropical flora and fauna. This enchanting sea, created around 6 million years ago by tectonic forces, has captured the imaginations of naturalists and adventurers alike since the days of Spanish sea captain Hernando Alarcón.
Its warm subtropical waters, nourished by abundant upwellings of deep-sea nutrients, have fostered an astonishing array of marine life, making it one of the most productive seas on the planet. With over 6000 recorded animal species, the Sea of Cortez teems with life, representing only a fraction of its total fauna. It's no wonder that this marine oasis accounts for half of Mexico's total fisheries production.

Baja's coastal waters are home to approximately 600 species of fish, including iconic gamefish like dorado and tuna, as well as reef dwellers such as snappers and groupers. The Gulf side, in particular, harbors a significant portion of the region's biodiversity, with about 20% of fish species endemic to the area.
The Sea of Cortez is not only a haven for marine creatures but also a sanctuary for migratory giants. Species like the sperm whale and fin whale have forsaken their ancestral migratory paths to call these waters home, drawn by the abundance of prey such as the jumbo squid. Seven marine reptiles inhabit the Sea of Cortez, five threatened/endangered sea turtles, one sea snake (Pelamis platurus), and one crocodile (Crocodylus acutus). These colossal creatures, along with the Sea of Cortez's rich biodiversity, make it a mecca for marine enthusiasts and researchers alike.

Mexico's commitment to conservation is evident through its robust network of protected areas in the Sea of Cortez. As of 2018, there were 61 designated zones, including Biosphere Reserves, Areas for the Protection of Flora and Fauna, National Parks, Fishery Refuges, and Ramsar Wetlands of International Importance. These areas cover approximately 30,000 square kilometers, safeguarding around 11 percent of the Gulf's total area.
Heading southward, the marine environment takes on a distinctly tropical feel, reminiscent of far-flung destinations like Hawaii and the Galapagos. The waters around Cabo Pulmo boast a "true" coral reef, teeming with an abundance of fish and invertebrates. Diving into these vibrant underwater habitats offers a glimpse into a world of unparalleled beauty and diversity.

As stewards of these precious marine ecosystems, it's crucial to adopt sustainable practices and promote conservation efforts. In recent years, there has been a growing awareness of the importance of sustainability in the tourist and hospitality industry. Here at Club Ninety Six, we are proud to lead by example. All of the ocean produce we offer is sourced from sustainable fishing practices, supporting local communities and safeguarding the marine environment.
Also, our Charter Ninety Six catamaran offers the opportunity to dive into the marine life ecosystem, ensuring a memorable experience for all, every moment promises to be filled with awe and wonder. On our new website, Club Ninety Six members can explore these pristine locales and discover the breathtaking beauty of Baja California Sur's marine treasures.

At Club Ninety Six, we invite you to embark on a journey of discovery into the wonders of the Sea of Cortez. As advocates for marine conservation, we encourage our members to support non-profit programs like Asupmatoma A.C., dedicated to preserving and protecting our oceans. Join us in our mission and reach out to learn more about how they can make a difference.

In the words of Jacques Cousteau, "The sea, once it casts its spell, holds one in its net of wonder forever." Let us continue to marvel at the wonders of the ocean and work tirelessly to protect its precious inhabitants. Together, we can ensure a future where the marine wonders of Baja California Sur thrive for generations to come.